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Natural Garden Pest Control Methods – A Beginner’s Guide

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A healthy garden is the best resistance against pests. The best way to avoid damage to your plants is to prevent pests from coming in.

Once they invade your garden, getting rid of them can be tricky. If you’d rather use natural garden pest control methods, I have some suggestions for you below.

Here are just a few of the harmful pests that can take up residence in your garden and wreak havoc on your plants:

  • Beetles
  • Aphids
  • Caterpillars
  • Leaf-miners
  • Leafhoppers
  • Spider mites
  • Scales
  • Whiteflies
  • Thrips
  • Shield bugs

Do It Yourself Natural Garden Pest Control

Plant attacked by garden pests

Beneficial insects organic gardening pest control

Luckily, there are several eco-friendly methods that you can try before going in for chemicals. One of them is the biological pest control method where you introduce good insects into your garden to take on the bad ones.

These natural predators not only control pests but eradicate them forever:

  • Ladybugs
  • Tachinid fly
  • Lacewings
  • Spiders
  • Hoverflies
  • Predatory true bugs
  • Parasitic wasps

There are two ways of getting these powerful allies – you can either order them online or attract them naturally through insectary plants. Plants such as cilantro, borage, thyme, mint, rue, cosmos, rosemary, marigold, and dill produce nectar or pollen to attract beneficial insects.

Natural Organic Gardening Pest Control

Another way to repel pests is by using non-toxic, homemade remedies. These give good results and contain natural ingredients like cayenne, garlic, horsetail, and others.

It is best to apply homemade remedies in the evening when the sun is low in the sky to avoid harming your plants. Make sure to spray liberally and wet the undersides of leaves. These sprays must come in direct contact with pests to be effective.

In addition to these methods, you can also use barriers and traps to get rid of pests. Some of these like apple maggot traps, yellow flypaper, floating row covers, and pheromones work very well to trap and eradicate pests.

The best way to protect your plants is by shielding them from pests. You can make your plants stronger by improving the quality of the soil. This can be done through natural composting methods and by mulching the soil with natural fertilizers.

Ensure that weak plants are removed immediately. These can be infected and can attract predators. Make sure to keep your garden free of weeds and debris as these are breeding grounds for insects.

Using plant nutrients such as seaweed spray or mulch can promote healthy development. This contains trace elements like zinc, iron, calcium, barium, and sulfur and gives plants the strength to withstand diseases.

Make sure plants are watered early so that the foliage stays dry. Moist areas encourage insects and can lead to fungal growth. Rotating crops is a common method to avoid an infestation of insects and pests. Most pests are plant-specific, so when planting is mixed, there is less chance for them to spread.

Are you looking for natural garden pest control methods? Here are a few suggestions for keeping pests away naturally. #organicgardening #gardening #gardenpests #beneficialinsects

Easy Guide to Pest Control

Take a look at the below infographic to learn more on how to get started with the organic method of pest control for your plants and gardens during this planting season.

Pest Controlling Your Garden

This Infographic – Guardians of the Garden – Was Created By
